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With the Addition of SOD Antioxidant Enzymes, the Gleam of Yunfei’s Lutein PLUS is Upgraded
With the Addition of SOD Antioxidant Enzymes, the Gleam of Yunfei’s Lutein PLUS is Upgraded

The extent of excessive eye use in Taiwan is one of the highest in the world, and the incidence of myopia in Taiwanese people is the third highest in the world. A recent study pointed out that the total average number of hours of screen time spent on electronics (TVs, computers, smartphones) in Taiwan has broken the 10-hour barrier. In other words, after subtracting sleep time, almost two-thirds of the time is spent on electronics. Coupled with the fact that the average life expectancy of modern-day people has increased, the service life of the eyes has also increased, making the care of the windows of the soul even more important!

Adjust eye use habits + aided by nutritional supplements, taking care of the window of the soul can be easy
In addition to allowing the eyes to rest periodically and eating more nutrients beneficial to the eyes, modern-day people live a busy life and eat out most of the time. It is actually very hard to get complete nutrition relying on a balanced diet. Dietitians suggest that choosing quality supplements and taking in an appropriate amount serve as a relatively quick and effective method.

However, there are so many lutein products with different dosage forms, doses, and supplementary ingredients available on the market. How should one choose to become clear? The Department of Health recommends that supplements be taken after meals and should not exceed 30 mg per day. Most of the lutein is extracted from pot marigold, and can be categorized into the free ones and the ester ones. Yunfei’s Lutein PLUS uses Flora GLO®, the patented free lutein from the U.S., featuring small molecules, which are more similar to natural food in form, making it healthy and easy to absorb.

Choose supplementary ingredients in supplements carefully to upgrade your health

The second nutrient that serves as a supplementary ingredient is anthocyanin, which is one of the good products with supplemental tonic attributes. The “deglycosylated” anthocyanin used in Yunfei’s Lutein PLUS is extracted from bilberries with patented technology by French pharmaceutical company, Ferlux GMP, and its content is several times higher than that in common blueberries, raspberries, cherries and grapes. In particular, “deglycosylation” is a special molecular structure. Research has proven that this polymer form allows the body to absorb anthocyanins 30 times more efficiently than ordinary blueberries.

In addition, in view of the external damage of modern life (whether it is UV rays or blue light from electronic products), the pressure on the eyes is also increasing. Therefore, Yunfei’s Lutein PLUS incorporates antioxidant SOD enzymes into one of the golden triangle ingredients that make eyes clear. SOD, also known as “superoxide dismutase,” is an antioxidant enzyme that the body can produce on its own, but SOD will slowly decrease with age, stress or ill health. With a patented coating technology, GliSODin®, a gastric acid-resistant enzymatic antioxidant extracted from French melons, has 20 times more antioxidant capacity than astacin and 8,000 times more antioxidant capacity than regular vitamin C. Because it is not easy to obtain, it is seldom added to supplements. Research has proven that when SOD enzymes are combined with lutein, a synergistic effect can be produced, which would bring health to the next level.

Therefore, consumers are reminded that when choosing supplements, in addition to the form and dosage of lutein, the above-mentioned nutrients can also be taken into consideration. With the synergy of the golden triangle ingredients for clear eyes, which are lutein, bilberries, and SOD antioxidant enzymes, the nutritional level is brought up a notch with just one bottle. Simple and easy!

Patented SOD enzymes extracted from French melons has antioxidant effects that can be widely used

In response to the poor dietary habits of modern-day people and the increasingly serious allergy problems, “Yunfei’s Probiotic PLUS” that maintains digestive function and “Yunfei’s Qurumin PLUS” that regulates the body constitution are also launched. Both of them are infused with “GliSODin®,” the powerful king of rejuvenating SOD extracted from patented French melons. It is hoped that the public can feel that it is easier to keep their body healthy as they strive to do so.

Source of the link: Health 2.0

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